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National Yorkshire Pudding Day at The Half Moon Inn

Lois & Asa | The Pint Chasers-profile-image
Lois & Asa | The Pint Chasers
October 11, 2024

TL;DR We visited The Half Moon Inn for National Yorkshire Pudding Day, testing if jam could rival gravy. Tradition won, but a surprising dessert version stole the show!

National Yorkshire Pudding Day at The Half Moon Inn

It’s every Brit’s Favourite Holiday… National Yorkshire Pudding Day!

No, we hadn’t heard of it either.

The Brit Stops Pint Chasers – Asa and Lois – are on a mission. We all know that you can’t throw a stick in Britain on a Sunday without hitting a pub that’s serving a traditional roast dinner, and that was just as well for us, as we were on the road, going about our usual Pint Chasing business and found ourselves with a debate to settle…

We arrived in a downpour at The Half Moon Inn in Clayhidon, a cosy, classic pub in the southwest of England with stunning views over the Culm Valley. This spot, also a Brit Stop, promises not only a great Sunday roast, but a chance to dive into an emerging debate: should Yorkshire puddings be served with the traditional gravy, or is there a place for jam?

A Rainy Journey to a Warm Welcome

As we step inside we are greeted with a lively and bustling atmosphere. A fire crackles in the corner, in contrast to the wet weather outside, and families with dogs chatter next to fogged up windows. Victorian-style portraits of animals dressed as humans stare down from the walls – a little unsettling, but we’ll chalk it up to the pub’s character.

As we chat with the staff, we get a range of reactions to our Yorkshire pudding debate. Some nod seriously; others scoff, clearly unsure about the idea of swapping gravy for jam. But they’re all up for some fun.

The Great Yorkshire Pudding Experiment

After confirming that their roasts come with Yorkshire puddings – “We pride ourselves on our Yorkshire puddings,” the barman says with a grin – we reveal our plan. “Then you won't like what we're about to do with them!” we joke, and he laughs, looking just a little bit nervous.

The staff kindly indulge our request for a couple of Yorkshire puddings and some gravy (we brought our own jam), and we present our two plates to the camera for our Pint Chaser vlog. Lois, who’s been called 'the gravy queen' by her family since childhood, is excited to dig into the traditional option. As expected, the Yorkshire pudding with gravy gets an enthusiastic thumbs-up from us both. It’s crispy on the outside, fluffy inside, and drenched in savoury goodness.

Then comes the jam. Lois frowns after her first bite. “It tastes like a Yorkshire pudding with jam on it. Exactly the sum of its parts… maybe even slightly less,” she declares. Asa, on the other hand, is more pleased with the sensation.

Tradition vs. Innovation: Locals Weigh In

Wanting to get some local input, we cast about for someone to interview. “Talk to him. He’s good on camera,” suggests the landlady, pointing out a man by the bar and mentioning he once appeared on Countryfile. When asked if he would ever consider eating a Yorkshire pudding with jam on it, he doesn’t hold back: “Not at all.” He says, “it should be with gravy every single time – onion gravy at that. No. Not for me.” We have a very firm vote for tradition.

But then the young barman surprises us. When we ask for his preference, he boldly claims “I say neither, personally”. A record scratches; all conversations stop; the only things breaking the silence are the rain on the windows and a pot lid inexplicably spinning on the floor.

He states that his favourite way to eat Yorkshire pudding is as a pudding. “It’s like a cake, almost. It’s perfect.” Before we can react, he disappears into the kitchen and soon returns proudly bearing a warm Yorkshire pudding filled with chocolate sauce, a scoop of vanilla ice cream, and a fresh strawberry on top.

A Sweet Twist: The Dessert Pudding

We’re amazed by the unexpected creation. We quickly snap a few photos before the ice cream melts, then dig in. The slight savour of the Yorkshire pudding mixes perfectly with the creamy ice cream and rich chocolate. It’s a revelation—a classic dish transformed into a dessert!

It’s a natural progression when experimenting to ask yourself: why not take it further? This ice cream option brings a whole new dimension to our experiment, and as we fight over the last bite of the surprise dessert, we know we have a winner.

The Verdict: Tradition Wins, but It’s Fun to Experiment

Despite having just eaten dessert, we finally order an actual roast. The original and most traditional way to eat a Yorkshire pudding – with roast beef. As we debrief on our experiment over forkfuls of cauliflower cheese by the fire, we conclude that while Yorkshire puddings with gravy are unbeatable, experimenting with jam is a fun idea, even if it doesn’t quite hit the mark for everyone. Asa, however, is glad to have tried it. The surprise dessert option is the highlight, proving that even a classic dish can evolve.

The staff at The Half Moon Inn were good sports throughout, indulging our debate and encouraging our culinary exploration. We leave with big smiles, grateful for their warm welcome, their patience for our ridiculous escapade, and the chance to test out these takes on an iconic dish.

Thanks to Brit Stops and places like The Half Moon Inn, motorhome adventurers like us will have plenty of options come Sunday, whether sticking with tradition or trying a sweet twist. As we drive away in our camper, the sun finally breaks through, and everything glistens with rain.

We can’t help but wonder: What would Aunt Bessie think of all this?

About Brit Stops
Brit Stops is the ultimate network for motorhome enthusiasts. Featuring charming stopover locations like farm shops, pubs, aires, and other fantastic spots, it provides a unique and authentic way to explore the UK and Ireland through one-night stays. Join a community of dedicated explorers and immerse yourself in the true essence of these beautiful landscapes. Discover the heart of Britain and Ireland with Brit Stops.
Lois & Asa | The Pint Chasers-profile-image
Lois & Asa | The Pint Chasers
Lois and Asa are on a journey to find good food, good overnight stops, and good pints! Follow their journey on the Brit Stops social media accounts to get the inside scoop on motorhome travel!